Resources for Individuals and Families Facing Challenging Healthcare Decisions

  • Do you find facing healthcare choices for your self or loved ones challenging?
  • Have you out off planning for the time in your life when you need additional resources because it feels overwhelming?
  • Have you wondered about an Advanced Directive is, to make certain your healthcare wishes and options are understood and followed?
Understanding healthcare is difficult, in part because changes occur frequently. That’s why Kansas City Healthcare Regional Associates is here for you as an advocate and resource for your best healthcare.
INVITE US TO PROVIDE A PRESENTATION and offer resources to answer these and many other questions so you can have peace of mind for yourself, family and loved ones.

KCRHCA has worked with experts in several healthcare industries to provide a presentation and resources on Advocating for Your Best Healthcare: Resources for Individuals and Families When Facing Challenging Healthcare Decisions.

The goals of this innovative presentation are to:

  • Provide resources and information to allow individuals and their family members to be able to advocate for their best healthcare, no matter where a person is in their healthcare journey:
  • Share information on different types of home health care options.
  • Give an overview and resources on the different types of advance directives to make certain your healthcare wishes and options are understood and followed.
  • Offer helpful tips on how to discuss your healthcare preferences with your providers to ensure your wishes are followed.

This presentation is ideal for individuals, family members, community groups who are wanting to better understand the options for healthcare provided in the home setting, who pays for these home-based care options, and how to discuss these choices with healthcare providers. This presentation is offered as a service of KCRHCA and is a no-cost option for education on this important topic.

If you are interested in scheduling this presentation for yourself, family or community group, please contact us here:

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For more information or to share this with others, you can download our flyers by clicking on an image.

Our Members Say

The Kansas City Regional Home Care Association is one of the best organizations to join for networking and education as it relates to healthcare for people in the home.  From pediatrics to our senior citizens, there are many opportunities to share ideas and make contact with experts in the Kansas City area. Learning from other leaders in the community helped our company improve services and benefited our patients and our staff.

Rick Lane, former co-owner of Alternacare Infusion Pharmacy

It is a privilege to be a member of the Kansas City Regional Home Care Association.  Not only does it provide an opportunity to interact with peers in the senior adult healthcare industry, but it also keeps me up to date on all legislative changes as we work together to meet shared challenges. My favorite benefit is the coordination of knowledge and teamwork within the KCRHCA team – it feels like family.

Kristy Whitney, Head of Operations, Home Care Assistance

The Kansas City Regional Home Care Association has been beneficial to me as an administrator of a home health company to help stay up-to-date on current legislation and provide resources to help Medicare meet guidelines, such as for emergency preparedness.  It is great to be able to collaborate and network with other agencies who specialize in home care.

Shannon Rosales, Administrator, Novus Life Care Home Health

As a member of the KCRHCA we have had the opportunity to collaborate with other home care organizations in the region to gain valuable insight and education. The monthly education, advocacy opportunities, and regulatory updates are invaluable to helping agencies stay up to date and achieve better patient outcomes. The Emergency Preparedness Committee is another huge benefit of membership and has played a vital role in helping our agency be more prepared, especially during COVID.

Kristen Skelton, Education and Emergency Preparedness Manager, Children’s Mercy Home Care

Trusted Members

Committee Membership is the backbone of the organization. The primary benefit of general membership includes networking, collaborative efforts in all areas of home care, support for problem-solving and keeping up-to-date with regulations and policies, as well as on-going education and innovative knowledge and practices.

Together we help our community grow stronger, and be stronger together.

Committee Membership is the backbone of the organization. The primary benefit of general membership is networking, collegial support, collective problem-solving, staying current with industry regulations and updates, collaboration, and continuing education.

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